Healthcare Data- clean, classification, migration and leveraging

Date: 09/18/2024
Start Time: 10:45am
End Time: 11:45am
Room: Pavilion 2
Track: Tribal Health Information Management
Speakers: Dave Lamar, Kel Pults, Abbey Dall Lukowski

Clean data is important in many sectors, but in healthcare it’s critical. Data governance is the foundation for clean, reliable data, and if you’re engaged in a data migration project –to a new EHR or other clinical, financial, or business application – a clear data governance strategy is a must. In Tribal Health, the stakes are clear – a trusted data foundation is the cornerstone to both quality patient care, and the financial health of your organization. In this session we’ll discuss the key components of a data governance strategy, including considerations for legacy data, regulatory requirements, release of information requests, financial reimbursement, reporting and analytics, and much more.  We will help you evaluate your organization’s readiness to support change and provide actionable steps to make a sustainable data governance program a reality.